Our partnership desk using SignUpGenius is accessible here on our website.
This platform serves as a bulletin board where you post the dates you are available. It is easier to use, your request is confirmed via email and a reminder is sent via email the day before the game. Using the editing feature, you can update your request or delete it when you find a partner. You will have ample space in the "Comments" box to write your preferred system, masterpoint total, your contact information (a must) and anything else you would like to add.
Just add your name to one of the games on the schedule to indicate that you are looking for a partner for the game on that date and time. Anyone looking for a partner can visit the site, see that you are available and contact you directly.
Click here to create an account, then follow the directions to get you started.
Our partnership desk using Google Groups is also accessible here on our website.
This platform allows you to post your partnership requests via email to all the players who are members of the group. If someone is available, they can contact you directly.
Your post will have a heading, just like a regular email and unlimited space in the body of the email to state which game (99er, 499er or Open), on which date, your preferred system and anything else you would like to add.
To be added to the EBCBC Partnership Desk on Google Groups, please contact Pat Anderson. She will gladly add your name to the list. Then you are all set to go, just click on this link.
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<strong>EBCBC </strong>
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